Refactoring Pharo (Part 2)
In part 1 of this series, I reimplemented the Video Store exercise in Pharo Smalltalk, this didn’t take long, it’s not many lines of code.
On to the refactoring…
Extracting the amount calculation
The first step, is to extract the logic that calculates the price of a Rental.
Customer >> amountFor: aRental [
"I calculate the cost to rent the movie for a period."
| thisAmount |
thisAmount := 0.
aRental movie priceCode = #regular ifTrue: [ thisAmount := thisAmount + 2 ].
(aRental movie priceCode = #regular and: [ aRental daysRented > 2 ])
ifTrue: [ thisAmount := thisAmount + (aRental daysRented - 2 * 1.5) ].
aRental movie priceCode = #new ifTrue: [
thisAmount := thisAmount + aRental daysRented * 3 ].
aRental movie priceCode = #childrens ifTrue: [
thisAmount := thisAmount + 1.5 ].
(aRental movie priceCode = #childrens and: [ aRental daysRented > 3 ])
ifTrue: [ thisAmount := thisAmount + (aRental daysRented - 3) * 1.5 ].
^ thisAmount
This leads to a small change in the statement
rentals do: [ :rental |
thisAmount := self amountFor: rental.
All the tests pass at this point.
At this point in the book, Fowler talks about the Smalltalk refactoring browser, and how he was “looking forward to a Java version!”. I’ll be honest, the state of the art in refactoring tools is definitely now in the Java camp.
But Pharo does have a refactoring browser, so, I reverted the change above and used it:
This lead to the same result (minus the comment of course).
Renaming result
The next step is renaming thisAmount
to result
This is trivial with the refactoring browser (although, ‘Rename temp’ is not obvious).
This was a nice step forward.